World  War IV is zooming in with lightning

World  War IV is zooming in with lightning speed!


A quick flashback:


World War I struck in 1914. It looked like a lightning sort of surprise. It was far from being a surprise. For commoners, street boys, hawkers, school and college boys and girls, it was indeed a surprise for them to be all of a sudden engulfed into a mammoth warring vortex hitting them from the blue, as it were. However, for governments, chanceries of western and eastern Europe, it was no surprise: all had been planned. The awaited trigger, the casus belli, came about with the street fatal shooting of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, on 28 June 1914. Macabre accounts of WW I death tolls say 400 000 Africans died on WW I battle fronts. European dead are counted in millions exceeding ten. But who can ever keep count of a world war’s fatalities, anyway?


European powers did not pick a serious lesson from WW I. They simply negotiated the 1919 Versailles Treaty, legal document officially terminating WW I, with U.S. President Woodrow Wilson leading the show. That was it. And of course they enacted the League of Nations, short-lived precursor to the United Nations Organizations. The point of the matter, though, is that WW I did not in actuality end there.  It was just stalled. WW II was but a resumption of WW I.


The man who launched WW  II in 1939 was then an Austrian pauper, a nondescript vagrant who, as the war broke up in 1914, had written a letter to the German army’s administration requesting to join the German army as a foreign combatant: Adolph Hitler. He had to be given special permission for he was not a German. In 1919, at war end, he was an army corporal lying in hospital receiving treatment for his body burns. When Hitler heard news of the end of the war and the capitulation of Germany, he went crazy, mad, and kicked off him all the burn-treating clinical gear assortments. He then rushed through the hospital wards shouting, “Foul! The German army was not defeated! The international Jewry made a deal with the German army top brass who are all Jews. They made a deal to secure their international huge fortunes, their trade and industry…! I, Adolph Hitler, solemnly swear that I will kill all the Jews…”  And kill, he did, in just a few years: within a few years of the end of WW I. And he did kill the Jews, with the help of the major European powers.


Let it therefore be clearly understood that WW II was a continuation of WW I. WW III, the Cold War (1945-1989), was not a continuation of WW II. It was a novel thing altogether with a pair of new enemies: the victors of WW II: the United States of America and the Union of the socialist soviet republics- USSR.


World War IV is now in the air!

WW IV is now in the offing. Who can describe it beforehand? Any projections thereof in the US, British, Russian or Chinese political laboratories?  


Things are now getting out of hand in the African Great Lakes region: such a terrible and bloody abrasive situation in the D.R. Congo, oh my!  In 1998-2002, world affairs analysts said of the Congolese conflagration that it was the first “African world war”! Such a fanciful and facetious collocation, it was then, and still is today! The great guys of the world political affairs wizardry had better start coining yet another phrase for the UN induced belligerence just about to erupt in D R Congo and the whole interlacustrine region of Africa.


Moreover, things are equally getting out of hand in the Sahara-Sahel region of Africa: an extraordinarily tricky political mess so portentous and ominous as to potentially generate a global war in no time! The nasty thing about ultramodern world wars looming ahead is that there is not anything conventional about the upcoming wars that the UN and the international community are igniting and foolishly fueling across the globe! You will not tell who the enemy is. You cannot assess security threats. You just will not know who is hitting you and where they are firing. There is not a single army today or intelligence personnel that are trained to exactly and gallantly fight our inchoate brave new wars of ours!


Politicians and diplomats across the globe seem jolly well  myopia stricken: they are virtually all shortsighted, albeit so complacent, dammit!


Things are further getting out of hand in the Mideast. US secretary of state J. Kerry has just dashed to Russia to sound out Russian president Vladimir Putin on the Syrian quagmire! Well, Kerry will surely blurt an beat about the bush, filling the air with a commixture of dead diplomatic words and unsavory obsolete phrases of political logomachy. Putin will not fail to act the tough he is, and has always been: his wax face and emerald eyes are going to be most duly served to his quickly deflated American host.


It all looks like leaders and strategists of the world community of “nations”, supposed to be “united”, are not taking the pulse of the situation in a special hotspot that has, for a long time, been potentially capable of generating a world war.  The major world powers have been refraining from pouncing on one another on the abrasive Israel-Palestinian issue that has been plaguing international relations for half a century. today, clearly, the extra impact of the Syrian crisis that was softly ignited by western powers in 2006 following the lightening defeat inflicted on the Israeli army by Hezbollah in June-July 2006,  and later on hardly fueled by the same western powers, in the wake of the so-called “Arab revolution”,  has become a world war “casus belli’. The American giant does not seem to realize that it is made of clay or wax! Israel, which is a temerity woven American outpost in the Asian continent, is becoming too provocative now!! Indeed Israel’s unleashing airstrikes upon Syria is a perfect declaration of war, as Syria is saying. Russia and china alongside allies like Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Bolivia and Brazil seem to be now running out of patience.


World  War IV is zooming in with lightning speed!

ntarugera deo koya,




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